The author
Many authors, independent or not, say that for as long as they can remember, they have always wanted to be a novelist.
I would be lying to you if I said that I did too.
No, my first passion was drawing.
When my elementary school friends were learning to read by trying to tear up their first Child book, I was already immersed in my Marvel and DC comics.
I didn't know who Enid Blyton was, let alone George Chaulet, but I boasted that I knew who Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and John Romita were.
I was amused to find my first comics in my drawer, drawn in large-square school notebooks.
The passion for writing didn't come to me until much later, when I stopped drawing stories spontaneously and realized that, first and foremost, I had to build a script.
In 2014, The Columns of Time was, at first, the scenario of a comic book, a comic book that became a novel before ending up as a novel.
If it is far from perfect (but what novel can really claim to be?), it remains my very first "work" and was the start of a passion for writing that has, since then, never left me.
I am now writing my seventh novel and I don't intend to stop there!
John in a few dates:
1975: Born in Saint-Claude, Guadeloupe
1981: Devours astronomical amounts of Marvel comics
1985: It's decided, he will be a comic book artist!
1993: Reads Stephen King and is struck by the horror novel The dark half
1996: Reads the cycle of The Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb and The Ants by Bernard Werber
1997: Reads the rest of french writer Bernard Werber's bibliography
2004: Discovers Tolkien
2008: Reads all the Harry Potter series
2013: Begins writing the screenplay for The Columns of Time
2015: The first volume of The columns of time wins the MonBestSeller Independent Author Award http://www.monbestseller.com
Her short story Chameleon finishes third in the Librinova contest and is included in a collection of short stories entitled She hesitated for a moment and then clicked 'Send'
Independent publication of GECKO
2016: Publishes Resurgences, the second volume of The columns of time
2017: Publishes Odyssey, the third volume of The columns of time
2019: Publishes ZAÏGO, the second investigation of Gwada Cops
2020: Publishes DOMINO, the third investigation of Gwada Cops
2021: Translation into English of GECKO